Santos, Gonçalo and Jun Zhang. 2024. “The Rise in Cesarean Births and the Technocratic Medicalization of Childbirth in Late-Reform China.” Modern China: An International Journal of History and Social Science, Online First, First published online Feb. 20th 2024 

Modern China: An International Journal of History and Social Science (Q1 History)


Santos, Gonçalo, Jack L. Xing, and Naubahar Sharif. 2023. “Translating STS in China. Disciplinary Struggles and Future Prospects.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 9 (1): 23-49.

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (Open access journal published by The Society for Social Studies of Science4S)




Santos, Gonçalo D. 2022. “O cuidado parental em tempos de migração laboral. Culturas e tecnologias de multiparentalidade na China rural do início do século XXI.Orientes do Português v.4: 55-94.

Orientes do Português (Open access Portuguese language journal published by the Macao Polytechnic University and the University of Porto)


Santos, Gonçalo (江绍龙, Jiang Shaolong). 2022. “Jishu de xuanze yu xiandai wuzhi wenming —— dui huanan nongcun diqu richang cesuo shijian de fansi (Technological Choices and Modern Material Civilization: Reflections on Everyday Toilet Practices in Rural South China).” Renleixue Yanjiu (Anthropology Research) 15-16: 206-228 (Special Issue: Anthropology of Science and Technology, edited by Yongjia Liang)

Renleixue Yanjiu (Anthropology Research) (Chinese Anthropology journal published by the Institute of Anthropology of Zhejiang University)

Santos, Gonçalo. 2021. “The Polyphony of Nature.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 11 (2): 847-51. (Book Symposium: Daston, Lorraine. 2019. Against nature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press)

HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory (Open Access, Q1 Anthropology)

Santos, Gonçalo, and Jun Zhang. 2021. “Urbanization in China.” International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Edited by Hilary Callan and Simon Coleman. Wiley Online Library

The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (Most complete reference resource for the field of anthropology and interrelated areas, over 800 international scholars). 


Santos, Gonçalo. 2020. “Birthing Stories and Techno-Moral Change across Generations. Coping with Hospital Births and High-Tech Medicalization in rural South China, 1960s-2010s.” Technology and Culture 61 (2): 581-616 (Special Section: Histories of Childbirth Medicalization in China and Japan 1900s-2000s)

Technology and Culture (Q1 History, published by SHOT – Society for the History of Technology)

Santos, Gonçalo and Suzanne Gottschang. 2020. “Rethinking Reproductive Technologies and Modernities in Time and Space.” Technology and Culture 61 (2): 549-558 (Special Section: Histories of Childbirth Medicalization in China and Japan 1900s-2000s)

Technology and Culture (Q1 History, published by SHOT – Society for the History of Technology)

Santos, Gonçalo (江绍龙, Jiang Shaolong) and Stevan Harrell (郝瑞). 2019. ”21世纪中国家庭的权力构成形态. ‘男权家长制’作为一种分析框架 (Changing Power Configurations in 21st century Chinese Families. Using Patriarchy as an Analytical Category).” Zhongguo Xueshu中国学术 (China Scholarship) 41: 79-124.

Zhongguo Xueshu (China Scholarship) (Prestigious Chinese social Science journal published by Shangwu Yinshuguuan [The Commercial Press])

Santos, Gonçalo. 2016. “On Intimate Choices and Troubles in rural South China.”Modern Asian Studies 50 (4): 1298-1326. (Special Issue: Love, Marriage, and Intimate Citizenship in Contemporary China and India)

Modern Asian Studies (Q1 History)

Donner, Henrike, and Gonçalo Santos. 2016. “Love, Marriage, and Intimate Citizenship in Contemporary China and India: An Introduction.” Modern Asian Studies 50 (4): 1123-1146 (Special Issue: Love, Marriage, and Intimate Citizenship in Contemporary China and India)

Modern Asian Studies (Q1 History)

Santos, Gonçalo. 2012. “The Birth of Physical Anthropology in Late Imperial Portugal.” Current Anthropology 53 S5: 33-45 (Wenner-Gren Symposium: The Biological Anthropology of Living Human Populations: World Histories, National Styles, and International Networks)

Current Anthropology (Q1 Anthropology)

Santos, Gonçalo. 2011. “Rethinking the Green Revolution in South China. Technological Materialities and Human-environment Relations.” East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal 5 (4): 1-27.

SPECIAL ISSUE: Rice Science, Rice Technology, and Rice Societies: Materiality in Research, Knowledge, and Practice in Asia′s Main Food Crop
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (Q3 Social Sciences, leading East Asian STS journal)

Harrell, Stevan, Yuesheng Wang, Hua Han, Gonçalo Santos, and Yingying Zhou. 2011. “Fertility decline in rural China. A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Family History 36 (1): 15-36.

Journal of Family History (Q3 Arts and Humanities, interdisciplinary journal of social and historical studies of the family)

Santos, Gonçalo, and Aurora Donzelli. 2009. “Rice Intimacies: Reflections on the ‘House’ in Upland Sulawesi and South China.” Archiv für Völkerkunde, 57-58: 37-64.

SPECIAL ISSUE: Constructing the Future – Remembering the Past. Houses and Architecture in Southeast Asia (Guest editor: Gabriele Weichart)
Archiv fur Volkerkunde (Austrian Anthropology journal published by Das Weltmuseum Wien, formerly Museum für Völkerkunde)

Santos, Gonçalo. 2008. “On ‘same-year siblings’ in rural South China.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 14 (3): 535-553.

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Q1 Anthropology)

Santos, Gonçalo (江绍龙, Jiang Shaolong). 2006. “Zhongguo Fuxi Zongzu yu Yinger de Renzhi (Chinese Patriliny and Infant Cognition)”中国父系宗族与婴儿的认知” (Chinese Patriliny and Infant Cognition). Zhongguo Yanjiu (China Study) 3: 1-19. (SPECIAL ISSUE: 学习与认知人类学 (Learning and Cognitive Anthropology)

Zhongguo Yanjiu (China Study) (Chinese Anthropology journal published by the Institute of Social Anthropology of Nanjing University)

Santos, Gonçalo. 2006. “The Anthropology of Chinese Kinship. A Critical Overview.” European Journal of East Asian Studies, 5 (2): 275-333.

European Journal of East Asian Studies (Q2 History)