Selected Public Lectures

Invited Presentation,
June 2020

“COVID-19, Technocracy, and Biosecurity in Times of Increasing Environmental Uncertainties,” presented at Virtual Symposium: COVID-19, Technoscience, Bio-security in the 21st century, Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study

Host: Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study, University of Johannesburg

Invited Presentation,
December 2019

“Work, Ethics, and Freedom in 21st Century China: Emerging visions of work-life balance” (co-authored with Yichen Rao, Jack L. Xing and Jun Zhang), presented at the Max-Cam International Conference: “Work, Ethics, and Freedom,” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany, Halle (Saale)

Invited Lecture,
June 2019

“二十一世纪日常科技的人类学(Anthropology of Everyday Technologies in the 21st Century),” Sun Benwen Sociology Forum, Nanjing University, Nanjing

Host: Institute of Social Anthropology (社会人类学), School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (社会学院), Nanjing University

Invited Lecture,
June 2019

“谁在要求刨腹产?21世纪科技产的道德 (Who is Requesting Cesarean Delivery? The Morality of Technological Birth in 21st Century China),” Anthropology Seminar, Institute of Social Anthropology (社会人类学), Nanjing University, Nanjing

Host: Institute of Social Anthropology (社会人类学), School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (社会学院), Nanjing University

Invited Presentation,
May 2019

“Technology and the Ethics of Childbirth,” presented at a research workshop on “Culture and the Common Good,” Georgetown University, Washington DC

Host: Research Group “Culture and the Common Good,” Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues, Georgetown University

Invited Lecture,
April 2019

“Who is Requesting Cesarean Delivery? Women’s Birth Choices and The Politics of Technological Birth in Late Reform China,” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anthropology, Hong Kong

Host: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
February 2019

“Women and Birth in Transition. Childbirth Medicalization in Late Reform China,” LIAS, Leiden University, Leiden

Host: LIAS, Leiden University

Invited Lecture,
February 2019

“Toilet Revolution in Contemporary China.” LIAS, Leiden University

Host: LIAS, Leiden University

Invited Lecture,
December 2018

“Love, Marriage, and Family Life in a World of Technology.” Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China, Technical University of Berlin

Host: Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China, Technical University of Berlin

Invited Presentation,
November 2018

“Who is Requesting Cesarean Delivery? The Techno-Politics of Childbirth Medicalization in Late Reform China.” Seligman Library, Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics

Host: London School of Economics, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
November 2018

“Who is Requesting Cesarean Delivery? The Politics and Ethics of Childbirth Medicalization in Late Reform China.” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany

Host: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
June 2018

“Rural Midwives and Women’s Networks of Maternity Care in rural South China, 1960s-2010s,” presented at the International Conference: “China in Time and Space:  G. William Skinner’s Ideas Going Forward,” organized by Stevan Harrell (U Washington) and William Lavely (U Washington), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Hosts: Stevan Harrell (U Washington), William Lavely (U Washington), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Invited Presentation,
October 2017

“Women and Birth in Transition,” presented at the Oxfam Symposium on Chinese Society and Policy: “The Transition of Marriage and Family in China,” Universities Service Centre for China Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Host: Universities Service Centre for China Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Invited Presentation,
July 2017

“Reproductive Labor and Gyno-Technologies in East Asia 1800s-2000s,” ZiF Research Group Symposium “Kinship and Politics: Rethinking a Conceptual Split and its Epistemic Implications in the Social Sciences,” Bielefeld University, Bielefeld

Host: Kinship and Politics Research Group, ZiF, Bielefeld University

Invited Presentation,
January 2017

“Ethical labor and the workings of non-governmental humanitarian care in contemporary China: Beyond Individualization.” (co-authored with Jun Zhang), presented at the International Conference: “Humanitarianism in Action: Asia-Pacific Ethnographic Perspectives”, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Convenors: Gonçalo Santos (HKU), Jun Zhang (City U HK), Isaac Gagne (HKU)

Invited Presentation,
August 2015

“Flush Toilet Modernities. Emergent Models in the Chinese countryside.” International Workshop: “The Second Life of Things”, University of Zurich, Zurich

Host: Mareile Flitsch, Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich

Invited Lecture,
April 2015

Host: Colloquium of the Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University

Invited Lecture,
January 2014

“Do Flush Toilets Have Politics? Anthropocenic Reflections.” Hong Kong Museum of History

Host: Hong Kong Anthropological Society

Invited Lecture,
November 2013

“Material Civilization and Hygienic Modernity. Reflections on Everyday Toilet Practices in rural South China.” Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Host: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
June 2013

“Multiple mothering and labor migration in rural South China.” International Conference: Is Chinese Patriarchy Over? The Decline and Transformation of a System of Social Support, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany

Convenors: Gonçalo Santos (Max Planck Institute), Stevan Harrell (Washington)

Invited Lecture,
January 2013

“The Art of ‘Doing Good’ in Contemporary China. Emerging Frameworks of Non-Governmental Charity and Philanthropy.” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany

Host: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
November 2012

“Technology, Waste, and Modernity. Reflections on toilet practices in rural South China.” Department of Anthropology, University College of London

Host: University College of London, Department of Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
November 2012

“The Flush Toilet and the Anthropocene Project,” presented at an international workshop organized in the context of the larger project: “The Anthropocene Project / Das Anthropozän-Projekt“ at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

Host: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

Invited Presentation,
June 2012

“Technological choices and civilizational processes. Reflections on toilet practices in rural South China.” International Conference ‘Anthropology and Civilizational Analysis’, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany

Convenors: Chris Hann (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology) & Johann Arnason (La Trobe University)

Invited Lecture,
June 2012

“Charitable Practices and Ethical imagination in rural South China.” Ethnology Colloquium, Institut für Ethnologie, Hamburg University, Hamburg,

Host: Institut für Ethnologie, Hamburg University

Invited Lecture,
May 2012

“中国比较研究:理论与方法(China in Comparative Perspective: Ideas and Methods).” Department of Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou

Host: Sun Yat-Sen University, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
April 2012

“Technologies of ethical imagination,” Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta

Host: Emory University, Department of Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
June 2011

Host: Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Georg-August Universität

Invited Lecture (in Portuguese),
March 2010

“Popular religion and contests of virtue in rural South China.” Department of Anthropology, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil,


Host: University of Brasília, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture (in Portuguese),
March 2010

“Ordinary ethics and popular religion in China.” Department of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,

Host: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture (in Portuguese),
March 14 2010.

“Fragrant names’ and charity auctions in rural South China. An ethnographic approach to ethical imagination.” Dep. of Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro

Host: Museu Nacional of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
March 2010

Host: Wenner Gren Foundation

Invited Presentation (in French),
July 2009

“L’agriculture traditionelle chinoise est-elle verte et jusqu’òu? (How Green is Chinese Traditional Agriculture?).” Cerisy Colloquium: The Imprint of Technology: How Technologies Change Societies?, Château de Cerisy-la-Salle, France

Convenors: Thierry Gaudin, Elie Faroult, Centre Culturel Internationale de Cerisy

Invited Presentation,
May 2009

“‘Fragrant names’ and contests of virtue in rural South China.” International Conference: Ethical questions in China today, London School of Economics

Convenor: Charles Stafford (London School of Economics)

Invited Lecture,
May 2008

“Resistance and the ‘moral economy’ of the peasant: China and Southeast Asia compared.” Department of Anthropology. Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan

Host: Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Department of Anthropology

Invited Presentation,
May 2008

“Chinese patriliny and human cognition. Why children matter?” International Workshop: Emerging Perspectives in the Anthropology of Childhood, Centre for Child-Focused Anthropological Research, Brunel University, London

Host: Centre for Child-Focused Anthropological Research, Brunel University

Invited Seminar,
February 2008

“Chinese patriliny and infant cognition.” Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics

Host: London School of Economics, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
June 2007

“Kinship, food, and money in rural South China.” Department of Anthropology, University of Montréal, Canada

Host: University of Montréal, Department of Anthropology

Invited Lecture,
November 2006

“The triumph of ‘goods’ over ‘children’? Family-planning in post-Mao rural South China.” China Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle

Host: China Colloquium, University of Washington