Media Inquiries
Please send your inquiry directly to:
Languages: English, Portuguese, Chinese (中文), French and Spanish.
Student Inquiries
I am currently supervising projects on a wide range of topics at the intersection between anthropology, STS and critical social theory.
If you would like to make an inquiry, please send an email describing your project directly to:
Languages: English, Portuguese, Chinese (中文), French, and Spanish.
Institutional Address
Prof. Gonçalo D. SANTOS 江紹龍
University of Coimbra / Universidade de Coimbra
CIAS – Research Centre for Anthropology and Health / CIAS – Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde
Department of Life Sciences / Departamento de Ciências da Vida
Calçada Martim de Freitas
T (351) 239240716 • Ext: 262216
F (+351) 239855789