

Student: Leung King Tim Timothy

From the beginning of the universe, to formation of human civilization, as to today; light is essential to our lives. Current fancy technology like smart phones, artificial intelligence often render us forget that many of our technology, from the past to modern world, based on application of light: tracers, fiber-optic communication.

The photo exhibits demonstration of agricultural LED, taken at the HKCEC Spring Lighting Fair. It is special that from the early days of life formation, photosynthesis provide important support for plant growth and basis of evolution. Now we humans use our knowledge and technology to develop agricultural LED to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth. Various plants have different sensitivity to diverse wavelengths of light. Photosynthesis Active Radiation (PAR) is essential for plant growth. The plant is dominantly illuminated by optimal red light to support photosynthesis, balanced by small amount of green and blue lights. Optimal red light is for photosynthesis, while the other two are necessary elongation control and flower enhancement. The technology is useful to increase crops yield for high altitudes region in winter.

Not only technologies of light helps us, but also contribute to mother nature, as well as not forgetting the nurture she has been providing.

Gonçalo Santos / Technology, Power, and Culture in the Global Age. / Year 2019
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